
Showing posts from August, 2021

How The Pandemic Changed Dating Forever

 And how it’s causing you to work harder at forming meaningful relationships Around 36% of Canadians use online dating, and it’s no surprise given the Global pandemic that has caused us to socialize less and approach dating in a new way. With rising social anxieties, many dealt with the first phase of lockdown alone and realized how awful it was to sit at home, every night without someone special to share it with. So how has dating changed in the last 18 months? Social anxieties are higher In 2021, it is now reported that social anxieties have increased as a result of COVID-19 Many of us have forgotten the important skill of having a healthy conversation. Where we once had multiple interactions and small talk without much hesitation, say in the locker room, or the coffee shop, now, it seems, it causes us to feel a rise in anxiety. For many of my clients, it has made small talk in dating apps feel more laborious and painful. Many men are reported that they don’t even kn

Are You Going Through A Break-Up?

  We all know processing a break-up isn’t easy, and on this week’s episode #69, I invited David Glaser to chat with me about his recent split. David had the courage to come on the show and talk about what happened that caused its demise. We also spoke about boundaries, how to stay calm when someone throws an object at you (hint: breathe and leave), and we chat about cheating, stonewalling, passions, and tapping into masculine energy. You won’t want to miss this episode. Click here   to listen to the podcast.  Please connect with Dave here. Men, want to feel better and more confident about dating in 2021? Get your FREE Guide to Dating Women with Confidence and download “ The Dating Handbook For Men

Dating and Relationship Coaching for Men

Work with Kimberly 1 on 1 Life, Dating and Relationship Coaching for Men I Work With Professional Men Basic Package This is my starting package for men that want support, perspective, guidance, and accountability that will set you up with positive habits and confidence around dating and you're most important intimate relationship. Advanced Package This is my premium package for men that are serious about breaking patterns and learning to show up as their highest self in dating and relationships. I will support and guide you for 6 months to achieve your most important goals around dating and relationships. Exclusive Package (Vancouver Only) This is my highest level, most exclusive coaching package for men that are serious about overcoming their dating challenges, roadblocks, and fears . This is exclusively for men located in Vancouver as this is in-person coaching. I will be your support network, mentor, coach, and wing woman. Serious applicants only. My Coaching

What To Do When You're Feeling a Little Depressed

  10 Tips To Get You Back on Track So you’re feeling a little depressed? Well, firstly, you should know that it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s the moments of sadness and pain that allow us to feel moments of happiness and joy. This is called the law of polarity. For anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. But logical facts rarely provide the remedy we seek in reading such an article as this. That being said, here are ten of my favorite ways to alleviate those unwelcome symptoms of sorrow: 1. Go For a Walk Nature has a very healing effect. Lace up your shoes, pop on your jacket, select some great tunes and go for a brisk walk. Sometimes we need a little of Mother nature’s healing effect to re-center ourselves. 2. Do Some Writing Stop and do a little reflecting. Research proves that writing about our troubling times can have a healthy effect on our immune systems. Buy yourself a new journal, get a pen, light a candle and let it all out. 3. Turn Up the M

Tip That Could Significantly Reduce Conflict

  If you've ever wondered why your disagreements escalate into full-blown arguments, you might be making this one mistake. Have a watch of this week's video and see how implementing this one tip might help your relationship conflict. Want To Date With Confidence?  Download This.

Dating Someone New? Check Out These 10 Relationship Green Flags

In relationships, it’s important to know what behaviours we absolutely won’t tolerate, and that’s why many of us get clear on our red flags. But hey, if you’ve found yourself dating or in a new relationship and you’re wondering if this could be “the one,” check out these 10 green flags that you’ve found somebody special. 10 Relationship Green Flags: They support your personal growth They listen to you with patience and curiosity They respect your boundaries and have their own You are being included in their personal life, including meeting friends and family You feel safe to express yourself openly and without judgment Even if you have small disagreements, they don’t threaten your relationship They view you as an equal and include you in decision making They go out of their way to make you smile or laugh You feel comfortable being your true self around them You don’t get the feeling you’re competing for their time How many can you check off the list? If you’re not seeing these signs in