
Showing posts from February, 2022

Post-Divorce Dating Tips for Men

How to date successfully after marriage, especially if it’s been a while Divorce is known to be one of the most stressful events in someone’s life. And one can understand why. The event itself is an emotional whirlwind, not to mention financially stressful. If kids are involved, it’s just plain complicated. But the start of the divorce is not where the stress starts. On average, an individual spends two years thinking about divorce before taking action on it And when we are checking out of a relationship, it’s not usually a joyful time. The whole process can make you re-think everything you know about love and relationships. But it doesn’t mean that a healthy relationship is not in the cards for you. It is, and it can be. If you’re ready to meet someone new, here are some important areas to consider before you sign up for dating on Tinder, eHarmony or hit the streets in search of a new beau. Get support and do the inner work to heal from your divorce The healing process will look diffe

Five Tips For Men Dating in 2022

So, you made it to 2022. Welcome! If you’re still standing, got a roof over your head and friends around you, you are one of the lucky ones! 2021 was no piece of cake, and if you were also trying to date on top of a changing societal and political landscape, social distancing and so forth, good on you. Now, let’s put that year behind us! Reaching 2022 and being single means you have a wide-open canvas for creating a romantic life this year. And after a year of reflection, it’s time to kick-ass in the love department. Here are a few tips to get you started: Know exactly what kind of relationship you want to create.  Before you date in 2022, make sure you have a clear idea of the type of relationship you want to have. If you’ve been married before, are you looking to find something more casual or are you searching for something serious? Do you see wedding bells in your future, or something different? Get crystal clear on the type of relationship you want to create before you begin your s

Valentine's Day Date Ideas for Men

Valentine's Day is approaching and you might be wondering what to do? If you're not leaving the house much due to the pandemic or you're simply looking for a creative and low-cost date idea, I'm going to share 4 unique ideas in this video that are sure to please the special lady in your life! Happy Valentine's! You can also find out more information on her website  here .

Talking Men’s Style & Fashion

When you wake up in the morning, what do you put on? Do you slip into something comfortable that allows you to hide from the world and blend in, or do you dress in a way that represents who you are? Tanner and I talk about the misconception men have about dressing well and why it’s important to take pride in your style and appearance. Dressing well doesn’t mean loud colours along with an ostentatious personality – for some, it may – but style is when you wear clothes that make you feel confident and empowered. Don’t underestimate the power of your appearance and the impact this will have on all areas of your life. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Tanner Guzy is a men’s style coach, speaker, and author of The Appearance of Power. He and his wife have five kids and are based in Utah. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please book a complimentary conversation  here . You can also find out more information on her website  here . Need help setti