
Showing posts from May, 2022

Understanding Trauma And Its Impact on Relationships

  We’ve only started to scratch the surface of understanding how trauma impacts our bodies and our intimate relationships. From small to large traumas they shape who we are and how we interact with the world. So today, I had the immense pleasure of chatting with a friend and trauma-informed coach about her story, emotional trauma, the fight-flight-fawn-freeze responses and how it shows up in our relationships. We even talked about healthy anger expression. Click here to listen to the podcast. Lea Morrison is a trauma-informed coach, healer and stress management teacher who incorporates a bottom-up approach to trauma care through nervous system regulation, vibrational healing, conscious awareness, and meditation. After climbing out of a lifetime of trauma herself, she has dedicated her career to helping others remember who they are underneath all of the stories of pain, shame and grief. Empowering each client back home to the greatness of who they really are. If you’re interested in le

Am I In A Trauma Bond?

  Trauma bonding or traumatic bonding is when you are unable to leave a relationship even when your partner is treating you poorly. Here are some signs that you may be in a trauma bond: Your partner is critical of you, but you move towards the tiny bits of affection they give you despite this. You are stuck in a pattern of highs and lows You can’t think of positive reasons to stay in the relationship (but you do anyway) You don’t know how to find the strength to leave You don’t have a sense of self in the relationship You don’t have autonomy or agency in the relationship An individual is able to break the cycle of a trauma bond by being radically honest with themselves and setting firm boundaries. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do alone. If you have found yourself in a relationship that is based on trauma, it’s important to be persistent in your desire to end the relationship and work on yourself. Seeking a coach or therapist to help you is important to break the cycle and support

Dating a Younger Woman

  Why are men attracted to younger women? It’s no surprise this happens when we have plenty of role models for it. Leonardo DiCaprio, Sylvester Stallone, Alec Baldwin, Larry King, among others. All dating younger women. But why is this? What are your motivations for wanting a younger woman by your side? In today’s solo episode, I share a few theories about why men are attracted to younger women and some things to be mindful of if you’re dating between generations. Click here to listen If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list, download a Dating Handbook and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here .

Here’s What To Do When You’re Feeling a Little Depressed

  10 Tips To Get You Back on Track So you’re feeling a little depressed? Well, firstly, you should know that it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s the moments of sadness and pain that allow us to feel moments of happiness and joy. This is called the law of polarity . For anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. But logical facts rarely provide the remedy we seek in reading such an article as this. That being said, here are ten of my favorite ways to alleviate those unwelcome symptoms of sorrow: 1. Go For a Walk Nature has a very healing effect. Lace up your shoes, pop on your jacket, select some great tunes and go for a brisk walk. Sometimes we need a little of Mother nature’s healing effect to re-center ourselves. 2. Do Some Writing Stop and do a little reflecting. Research proves that writing about our troubling times can have a healthy effect on our immune systems. Buy yourself a new journal, get a pen, light a candle and let it all out. 3. Turn Up the Music Combat