
Showing posts from June, 2022

How to Date Successfully (A Guide for Single Men of All Ages)

  Need to know advice before you start dating this summer. The biggest challenge my single male clients are facing is how to date successfully in today’s dating scene. In fact, many of my clients aren’t even clear on what dating truly is. Some are unaware they can date multiple women at once, and some are unaware of what the dating process should be like. Some of my clients rely too heavily on dating apps and others are afraid to use them all together. They share frustrations with me about how to progress to something more serious or how to know when a woman isn’t for them. So I’m going to break it down for you and help you understand important elements to make your dating process feel smoother, and healthier and give you a likelier chance of meeting your dream woman. Here Is The Need To Knows Before You Start: Know what you want in a partner and in your relationship. This is something I repeat every time I speak to someone wanting to date. Without knowing the type of partner you woul

The Biggest Issues with Dating Today

  If you’re dating, you might want to get familiar with some of the issues that are challenging daters in 2022. Which might you be guilty of believing or doing? Today I share six issues that all daters are dealing with. How will you work through these challenges so you can find the person that’s right for you? Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here . Ready to start working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

4 Tips For Post-Divorce Dating (For Men)

  How to date successfully after marriage, especially if it’s been a while Divorce is known to be one of the most stressful events in someone’s life. And one can understand why. The event itself is an emotional whirlwind, not to mention financially stressful. If kids are involved, it’s just plain complicated. But the start of the divorce is not where the stress starts. On average, an individual spends two years thinking about divorce before taking action on it And when we are checking out of a relationship, it’s not usually a joyful time. The whole process can make you re-think everything you know about love and relationships. But it doesn’t mean that a healthy relationship is not in the cards for you. It is, and it can be. If you’re ready to meet someone new, here are some important areas to consider before you sign up for dating on Tinder, eHarmony or hit the streets in search of a new beau. Get support and do the inner work to heal from your divorce The healing process will look dif

Where To Make New Connections in 2022

  After a two-year pandemic, many of us have forgotten how to get out into the community and make new connections. We’ve become comfortable inside our homes and maybe we’ve even lost some social skills. We work from home, we order our groceries and we get what we need to be delivered through Amazon. Our friends exist on Instagram and Tik Tok. But that’s not enough, and if you want to live a long and healthy life, it’s important to have good people around you and a sense of belonging. So where can you go to meet new people, make new connections and possibly find a romantic partner? I’ll share with you a handful of ideas that will get you off the couch and out into the world. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here . Ready to start working with Kimb

Here’s What To Do When You’re Feeling a Little Depressed

  10 Tips To Get You Back on Track So you’re feeling a little depressed? Well, firstly, you should know that it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s the moments of sadness and pain that allow us to feel moments of happiness and joy. This is called the law of polarity. For anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. But logical facts rarely provide the remedy we seek in reading such an article as this. That being said, here are ten of my favorite ways to alleviate those unwelcome symptoms of sorrow: 1. Go For a Walk Nature has a very healing effect. Lace up your shoes, pop on your jacket, select some great tunes and go for a brisk walk. Sometimes we need a little of Mother nature’s healing effect to re-center ourselves. 2. Do Some Writing Stop and do a little reflecting. Research proves that writing about our troubling times can have a healthy effect on our immune systems. Buy yourself a new journal, get a pen, light a candle and let it all out. 3. Turn Up the Music Combat

Fatherhood, Divorce & Dealing with ADHD

  Join Ben and me talk about dealing with an ADHD diagnosis, life after divorce and why we behave the way we do. Click here to listen to the podcast. Ben Redmond is a coach, therapist, and men’s work leader who used to be a public school teacher. While his coaching practice focuses on guiding parents of children with difficult behaviours, much of his experience is working with kids and adults diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, born polydrug addicted, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Ben has ADHD, is divorced, and peacefully co-parents his two girls with his ex-wife. Ben’s passion is in guiding people through healing, loss, and transition into connection with themselves, their families, community, and the life they desire. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please book a complimentary conversation here . You can also find out more information on her website here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating

Dating Someone With Depression

  Many of us are experiencing more stress, overwhelm and anxiety. Whether this has been brought on by the pandemic, a tragedy or something else, we are seeing staggering rates of depression in individuals. It’s not unlikely you or your partner has dealt with it at some point. So how do you manage a relationship if your partner is depressed? In today’s solo episode, I wanted to share some suggestions and thoughts on how to manage a relationship if your partner is depressed. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here .

How To Avoid Online Dating Burnout

  If you’re single, there is a good chance you’re dating online. And if you are, you’re probably feeling frustrated, annoyed or maybe even cynical about the whole process. Chances are you could be burnt out. That’s why in today’s episode, I want to share with you a few ways you can overcome this burnout, get back on track and start dating with more enjoyment. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here . Already know you want to work with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

Red Flags Of Abuse with Shawn & Amanda from Touchy Subjects

  Many of us have experienced relationships of abuse. But when we start dating someone, we don’t usually know whether that relationship will end up becoming abusive or not. So what is abuse? And what are some signs to look out for as you get to know someone new? Click here to listen to the podcast. Shawn has worked in the field of domestic and sexual violence prevention for over 5 years. He has presented on topics ranging from consent, healthy relationships, human trafficking, warning signs of violence, and policy implications. Through the use of his expertise and social justice, he is driven to create equitable, inclusive, and safe communities. Amanda has been in the world of Domestic and sexual violence prevention for 3 years. She has given educational presentations to groups that range from Pre-K to those in Residential M.D. programs. She is also a nationally recognized advocate for victims of crime and spends time on a crisis intervention hotline. Her passion for equity, inclusion

Dating Someone New? Check Out These 10 Relationship Green Flags

  In relationships, it’s important to know what behaviours we absolutely won’t tolerate, and that’s why many of us get clear on our red flags. But hey, if you’ve found yourself dating or in a new relationship and you’re wondering if this could be “the one,” check out these 10 green flags that you’ve found somebody special. 10 Relationship Green Flags: They support your personal growth They listen to you with patience and curiosity They respect your boundaries and have their own You are being included in their personal life, including meeting friends and family You feel safe to express yourself openly and without judgment Even if you have small disagreements, they don’t threaten your relationship They view you as an equal and include you in decision making They go out of their way to make you smile or laugh You feel comfortable being your true self around them You don’t get the feeling you’re competing for their time How many can you check off the list? If you’re not seeing these signs