
Showing posts from December, 2022

5 Dating Tips for Introverted Men

  If you or someone you know is a little bit introverted, or maybe even shy, dating can feel more frustrating for you than it does for your extroverted best friend. That’s why in this week’s episode I want to share with you five valuable tips for dating if you are introverted, and what you can do to make your experience smoother, more satisfying and bursting with confidence. Click here to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit here . Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

10 Things You Should Be Expecting From Your Relationship

  Getting into a new relationship? Here are 10 absolutely reasonable (and necessary) expectations to have in your partnership. Click here to listen to the podcast. Want exclusive dating advice (that you can’t find on my social media?) Sign Up Here . If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers. Join here . Ready to start working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

Dating Someone New? Check Out These 10 Relationship Green Flags

  In relationships, it’s important to know what behaviours we absolutely won’t tolerate, and that’s why many of us get clear on our red flags. But hey, if you’ve found yourself dating or in a new relationship and you’re wondering if this could be “the one,” check out these 10 green flags that you’ve found somebody special. 10 Relationship Green Flags: They support your personal growth They listen to you with patience and curiosity They respect your boundaries and have their own You are being included in their personal life, including meeting friends and family You feel safe to express yourself openly and without judgment Even if you have small disagreements, they don’t threaten your relationship They view you as an equal and include you in decision making They go out of their way to make you smile or laugh You feel comfortable being your true self around them You don’t get the feeling you’re competing for their time How many can you check off the list? If you’re not seeing these signs

3 Reminders For Single Men During The Holidays

  If you’re a single guy, you might dread the holidays, but it’s one of the best times in the year to boost your confidence, get out of the house, meet women and have fun. Today I share with you 3 simple reminders to keep you on track during the holiday season and maybe even create an extraordinary opportunity for you. Click here to listen to the podcast. Ready to learn more about working with Kimberly? Applications for the dating strategy call are closed but will open again in January.

Holiday Gift Suggestions For Each Stage of Dating

  If you’re newly dating around the holidays, you might be wondering what to do about gifts. Do you get a woman something? Do you not? If you did, what’s appropriate? Today, I share what’s appropriate and a price range for each stage of dating; from just “we just met”, to casual dating with potential, to newly committed couples and long-term relationships. Click here to listen to the podcast. Ready to find your dream relationship? Book your free dating strategy call here . Valued at $500. Limited spots are available.

Do You Put Women On A Pedestal?

  If you’ve recently gotten divorced or out of a significant relationship, you might be dating again and wondering why things aren’t working out, despite being a nice guy. Many men fall into the trap of putting women on a pedestal. We all have idealized versions of people and often we fall in love with someone’s beauty and positive qualities. Be careful you don’t over-idealize and miss red flags that will come back to bite you. Click here to listen to the podcast. Ready to find your dream relationship? Book a free consultation here . Limited spots are available.

Should You Date A Younger Girl

  Why are men attracted to younger women? It’s no surprise this happens when we have plenty of role models for it. Leonardo DiCaprio, Sylvester Stallone, Alec Baldwin, Larry King, among others. All dating younger women. But why is this? What are your motivations for wanting a younger woman by your side? In today’s solo episode, I share a few theories about why men are attracted to younger women and some things to be mindful of if you’re dating between generations. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list, download a Dating Handbook and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here .

What To Do When You Are Depressed With Your Life

  10 Tips To Get You Back on Track So you’re feeling a little depressed? Well, firstly, you should know that it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s the moments of sadness and pain that allow us to feel moments of happiness and joy. This is called the law of polarity. For anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. But logical facts rarely provide the remedy we seek in reading such an article as this. That being said, here are ten of my favorite ways to alleviate those unwelcome symptoms of sorrow: 1. Go For a Walk Nature has a very healing effect. Lace up your shoes, pop on your jacket, select some great tunes and go for a brisk walk. Sometimes we need a little of Mother nature’s healing effect to re-center ourselves. 2. Do Some Writing Stop and do a little reflecting. Research proves that writing about our troubling times can have a healthy effect on our immune systems. Buy yourself a new journal, get a pen, light a candle and let it all out. 3. Turn Up the Music Combat

Dating Someone With Depression

  Many of us are experiencing more stress, overwhelm and anxiety. Whether this has been brought on by the pandemic, a tragedy or something else, we are seeing staggering rates of depression in individuals. It’s not unlikely you or your partner has dealt with it at some point. So how do you manage a relationship if your partner is depressed? In today’s solo episode, I wanted to share some suggestions and thoughts on how to manage a relationship if your partner is depressed. Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here .