
Showing posts from January, 2023

Why She Doesn’t Feel The Spark or Connection

  Have you ever wondered why your date texted you and said “she didn’t feel the spark or connection?'” Today’s show explains to you a few reasons why this is the case! Click here to listen to the podcast. Book Your Free Dating Strategy Call here . Join The Club & Talk To Women with Confidence here .

Maintaining Your Identity In A Relationship

  Are you having an identity crisis? Many of us get into relationships and lose ourselves in the process. We merge to mesh with our partners to the extent that we start giving up our own goals, passion, friendships and hobbies. If this sounds like you, take a listen to understand ways to maintain your identity in a relationship and its importance for your mental health. Click here to listen to the podcast. Want exclusive dating advice (that you can’t find on my social media?) Sign Up Here . If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers. Join here . Ready to start working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

Dating After Separation, Not Divorce

  When we separate from our partners, it’s not uncommon to long for a new connection. Many of us jump back onto dating apps or start meeting new people, and if done too quickly, it can welcome many complications into our life. In today’s episode, I share with you a few considerations to think about before you start dating if you’re currently separated from your spouse, but not yet divorced. Click here to listen to the podcast. Book Your Free Dating Strategy Call here . Join The Club & Talk To Women with Confidence here .

How To Date After Divorce

  Divorce is no easy feat. It’s complicated, emotional and draining for anyone who experiences it. But just because we had one relationship end, it doesn’t mean that we cannot move forward and create a better union. That’s why in this week’s podcast, I’m going to share with you 4 useful tips you need to keep in mind when you begin dating again. If you’ve been divorced recently or ended a serious long-term relationship, this episode is for you. Click here to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit here . Want some guidance and support dating? Download a FREE Copy of The Dating Handbook For Men . Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

6 Secrets For Attracting Your Dream Relationship

  Are you frustrated with online dating and low-quality dates? LEARN THE MUST-KNOW SECRETS TO ATTRACTING YOUR DREAM RELATIONSHIP (Even if you're struggling on dating apps or you're not attracting the right kinds of women) You'll receive a 14-page PDF detailing the 6 MUST-KNOW secrets for attracting your dream relationship, with practical advice you can apply today! Enter your email address below to receive your free copy. Where To Find Attractive Quality Women 4 Ways to Build Irresistible Attraction! Learn The Truth About What Quality Women Want 5 Ways to Create Massive Sex Appeal Dating Is a Numbers Game, Right? Wrong! Stop Wasting Time Online and On The Wrong Dates GET A FREE COPY OF MY EBOOK .

Dealing With Divorce

  Should I get divorced? How might this impact my work and friendships? What will my children think? These are all valid questions to be asking. Divorce is not a lighthearted decision that one makes. It has serious impacts on your emotional well-being, finances and children, amongst other areas. Today I’m bringing on a special guest, Jude Sandvall, to talk about divorce and the emotions that come along with it. Jude is a father of 3 teenage girls and shares part of his personal story and why he supports other men to process the turbulent and emotional impact of divorce. Click here to listen to the podcast. Men, are you considering dating again? Get this must-have guide before you start. Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

5 Dating Tips for Introverted Men

  If you or someone you know is a little bit introverted, or maybe even shy, dating can feel more frustrating for you than it does for your extroverted best friend. That’s why in this week’s episode I want to share with you five valuable tips for dating if you are introverted, and what you can do to make your experience smoother, more satisfying and bursting with confidence. Click here to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit here . Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

Am I In A Trauma Bond?

  Trauma bonding or traumatic bonding is when you are unable to leave a relationship even when your partner is treating you poorly. Here are some signs that you may be in a trauma bond: Your partner is critical of you, but you move towards the tiny bits of affection they give you despite this. You are stuck in a pattern of highs and lows You can’t think of positive reasons to stay in the relationship (but you do anyway) You don’t know how to find the strength to leave You don’t have a sense of self in the relationship You don’t have autonomy or agency in the relationship An individual is able to break the cycle of a trauma bond by being radically honest with themselves and setting firm boundaries. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do alone. If you have found yourself in a relationship that is based on trauma, it’s important to be persistent in your desire to end the relationship and work on yourself. Seeking a coach or therapist to help you is important to break the cycle and support

Four Dating Mistakes You Might Be Making After Divorce

  It’s really common after a breakup to start dating again and feel overwhelmed. The dating landscape has changed, we have new online dating apps popping up each week. Our culture is changing in terms of what women and men are wanting from relationships. In today’s show, I share four common mistakes men are making when they start dating after divorce or after the end of a long-term relationship. Find out if you’re making any of these dating mistakes. And hey! If you enjoyed this episode, please share and leave me a review. Click here to listen to the podcast. Ready to learn more about working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here . Limited spots are available.