What is Trauma Bonding?

Trauma bonding or traumatic bonding is when you are unable to leave a relationship even when your partner is treating you poorly.

Here are some signs that you may be in a trauma bond:

  • Your partner is critical of you, but you move towards the tiny bits of affection they give you despite this.
  • You are stuck in a pattern of highs and lows
  • You can’t think of positive reasons to stay in the relationship (but you do anyway)
  • You don’t know how to find the strength to leave
  • You don’t have a sense of self in the relationship
  • You don’t have autonomy or agency in the relationship

An individual is able to break the cycle of a trauma bond by being radically honest with themselves and setting firm boundaries. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do alone.

If you have found yourself in a relationship that is based on trauma, it’s important to be persistent in your desire to end the relationship and work on yourself.

Seeking a coach or therapist to help you is important to break the cycle and support you to move on.

Leaving relationships like this is never easy, but it’s worth it and you can do it.

Ready to uplevel your confidence in dating and relationships and get 1:1 support? Apply to work with me by clicking here.


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