
Showing posts from November, 2021

Dating and Relationship Coaching for Men

Ready to have an amazing relationship, with the person that’s right for you? You’ve come to the right place. Welcome! Let’s Check Your Pulse… lf you’ve landed here, there’s a good chance you’re curious about what working with a dating and relationship coach can do for you. The truth is, it can do a lot. There are generally two types of individuals I support. Men who are single  and wanting to get back into the dating scene, but are unsure where to start, and how to make the experience feel good. This is you if you’re new to dating, dating after divorce or feeling things like frustration, anxiety, isolation, loneliness, or confusion about what you really want and how to get started. You’re ready to break your patterns in dating and love and find the person that’s right for you. And  men who are already committed to someone special  but don’t feel that deep connection. You’re feeling stressed because you know your needs are not being met, yet you don’t know how to communicate them or to

Tips for Dating During Holiday Season

  Simple reminders to keep in mind while you date over the holidays The holiday season can be an exciting and overwhelming time. And if you’re dating, sometimes it can get a little confusing knowing what you should or shouldn’t do. If you are worried you might take a misstep while  dating during the holidays ,  here are a few guidelines to support your holiday dating: Don’t feel pressured to include them in your family plans.  Inviting a date to meet your family is something you should do when you’re ready for it, not because the holidays create an added layer of pressure. Invite them in you are ready to take the next step and have been wanting to introduce them to your family for a while. Don’t go overboard on gifts.  Have you ever heard of the term love-bombing? It’s an attempt to influence a person by going overboard with attention, affection, and gifts. Make sure you and the individual you’re dating establish if gifts are appropriate. It’s always nice to start with something small

Life Force Activation

  I had the immense pleasure of chatting with Steffo on today’s show about life force activation, awakening the energy in men, and finding a way to live life at a higher vibration. We also talked about his FLT method and how increasing the energy we carry can lead to better more powerful orgasms. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Steffo hit rock bottom after finding out his girlfriend had been cheating on him with multiple guys for a whole year. This realization catapulted him into a dark night of the soul. In those moments, all his trauma and wounds came to the surface, and I didn’t have the tools or maturity to deal with it, so he got rid of his apartment, stored his belongings in boxes, sold his car, and set out on a solo pilgrimage trip around the world. Steffo Shambo is a sex, love, and relationship expert (with a tantric foundation) and he helps married men save their marriage from the brink of divorce and help single men attract their dream partner. He’s on a mission to gui

Are You Addicted To Toxic Relationships?

  Toxic relationships can be very addicting but are harmful to our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. In today’s video, I talk about what a toxic relationship is, why they happen, and what you can do to start breaking the cycle. Get Your Free   Handbook To Dating Women With Confidence To Apply PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS sign up  here . Click here   to listen to The Self- Confidence Project PODCASTS

Dating During The Holidays

  Dating during the holidays can bring up a whole host of anxiety-provoking thoughts that summer dating may not. Should I invite my date to the family dinner? Do we need to have the talk? How serious is this getting? How much should I spend on a Christmas gift for my date? All thoughts that might go through your head if you start dating someone new during the holiday season. In today’s episode, I share with you six things you may want to consider if you’re  dating during the holidays .  And yes, it can be an amazing time to get to know someone; just make sure you’ve considered these six things first! Click here   to listen to Podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit her  here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile”  here .

Are You Feeling a Little Depressed?

  10 Tips To Get You Back on Track So you’re feeling a little depressed? Well, firstly, you should know that  it’s okay not to feel okay. It’s the moments of sadness and pain that allow us to feel moments of happiness and joy. This is called the law of  polarity .  For anything to exist, there has to be an equal and exact opposite. But logical facts rarely provide the remedy we seek in reading such an article as this. That being said, here are ten of my favorite ways to alleviate those unwelcome symptoms of sorrow: 1. Go For a Walk Nature has a very healing effect. Lace-up your shoes, pop on your jacket, select some great tunes and go for a brisk walk. Sometimes we need a little of Mother nature’s healing effect to re-center ourselves. 2. Do Some Writing Stop and do a little reflecting. Research proves that writing about our troubling times can have a healthy effect on our immune systems. Buy yourself a new journal, get a pen, light a candle, and let it all out. 3. Turn Up the Music Co

Getting To Zero with Relationship Expert

In this new episode, and with special guest Jayson Gaddis, we talk all about conflict. Every single one of us is going to experience conflict, and if we don’t, it might be because we’re avoiding it (sound familiar?) Click here   to listen to Podcast Jayson is an author, relationship expert, and coach who teaches people the one class they didn’t get in school — “How To Do Relationships.” He leads one of the most in-depth and comprehensive relationship education programs and trains relationship coaches all over the world. He is the host of The Relationship School Podcast with over 5 million downloads and is the visionary behind The Relationship School and his first book, Getting to Zero, which is out now! For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit  here ,  or download The Dating Handbook For Men  here .

Are You Too Needy in Relationships?

  Have you ever wondered if you might be a little bit needy, or clingy in your relationships? Or you simply want to understand if you’re partner is coming on a little strong. Have a watch of this video where I will share with you signs of neediness and what you can do about it. FREE GUIDE   date With Confidence! To Apply for PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS  sign up here. Click Here   to listen to The Self- Confidence Project PODCAST.

Reclaiming Sexual Pleasure in Your Relationship

Sex can make or break a relationship. It can be a way to beautifully connect with your partner or a source of stress and disconnection. And very often, couples deal with desire discrepancies, so I brought on a special guest, Dr. Holly Richmond to talk about her practice and some useful tips around understanding sex in your relationship. Click here   to listen to Podcast. Dr. Holly Richmond is a Somatic Psychotherapist, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT), and Certified Sex Therapist (CST). Her unique combination of credentials enables her to focus on clients’ cognitive processes as well as mind-body health. She works with women, men, couples, and gender-diverse individuals on relationship and sexuality issues, offering sex therapy and sexual health coaching nationally and internationally. Her treatment specialties include low libido, sexual dysfunction, compulsive sexuality (often called “addiction”), desire discrepancies in couples, recovery from sexual assault and abuse,