Expressing Your Emotions and Breathwork

 Do you need a way to truly connect to yourself and your emotions? Breathwork is a phenomenal way to slow yourself down and truly get in touch with your internal world. Today I have the immense pleasure of bringing on Chris Marhefka to talk about his work in supporting and coaching individuals with their breath and bodies.

Chris Marhefka facilitates transformation by opening hearts, expanding minds, & giving people permission to be their most authentic selves. Chris creates life-changing experiences in emotional healing, inner-child work, somatic experiencing, breathwork, masculine embodiment, relationship and communication coaching, men’s development, and leadership mentoring.

Today we talk about how Chris got into this field of work, how important breathwork is, what men are facing today with emotional expression, or an explosion of emotions, and we even do a live exercise which you can join from the comfort of your house!

Click here to listen to the podcast.

For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation around life, dating, or relationships please visit her here.

Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile” here.


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