
Showing posts from March, 2022

Understanding Trauma And Its Impact on Relationships

We’ve only started to scratch the surface of understanding how trauma impacts our bodies and our intimate relationships. From small to large traumas they shape who we are and how we interact with the world. So today, I had the immense pleasure of chatting with a friend and trauma-informed coach about her story, emotional trauma, the fight-flight-fawn-freeze responses, and how it shows up in our relationships. We even talked about healthy anger expression. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Lea Morrison is a trauma-informed coach, healer, and stress management teacher who incorporates a bottom-up approach to trauma care through nervous system regulation, vibrational healing, conscious awareness, and meditation. After climbing out of a lifetime of trauma herself, she has dedicated her career to helping others remember who they are underneath all of the stories of pain, shame, and grief. Empowering each client back home to the greatness of who they really are. If you’re interested in

Dates Ideas Women Love

Coming up with dating ideas can sometimes feel exhausting and expensive. That's why in this video I give you five different, low-cost date ideas to do with the woman you're courting, or for the woman that's already your Queen. I have ideas for the adventurous woman, the culinary woman, the romantic woman, the businesswoman and the nerdy woman. Which one do you love the best? If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website  here . Want to join my mailing list, download a Dating Handbook and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join  here .

Men’s Dating & Relationship Coach

Ready to have an amazing relationship, with the person that's right for you? You’ve come to the right place. lf you’ve landed here, there’s a good chance you’re curious about what working with a dating and relationship coach can do for you. The truth is, it can do a lot. There are generally two types of individuals I support. Men who are single  and wanting to get back into the dating scene, but are unsure where to start, and how to make the experience feel good. This is you if you’re new to dating, dating after divorce or feeling things like frustration, anxiety, isolation, loneliness, or confusion about what you really want and how to get started. You’re ready to break your patterns in dating and love and find the person that’s right for you. And  men who are already committed to someone special  but don’t feel that deep connection. You’re feeling stressed because you know your needs are not being met, yet you don’t know how to communicate them or to avoid nasty conflict that see

How The Pandemic Changed Dating Forever

And how it’s causing you to work harder at forming meaningful relationships. Around 36% of Canadians use online dating, and it’s no surprise given the Global pandemic that has caused us to socialize less and approach dating in a new way. With rising social anxieties, many dealt with the first phase of lockdown alone and realized how awful it was to sit at home, every night without someone special to share it with. So how has dating changed in the last 18 months? Social anxieties are higher Many of us have forgotten the important skill of having a healthy conversation. Where we once had multiple interactions and small talk without much hesitation, say in the locker room, or the coffee shop, now, it seems, it causes us to feel a rise in anxiety. For many of my clients, it has made small talk in dating apps feel more laborious and painful. Many men are reported that they don’t even know what to say when matched with a potential partner. What is an appropriate first date? How soon should I

Dating a Younger Woman

Why are men attracted to younger women? It’s no surprise this happens when we have plenty of role models for it. Leonardo DiCaprio, Sylvester Stallone, Alec Baldwin, Larry King, among others. All dating younger women. But why is this? What are your motivations for wanting a younger woman by your side? In today’s solo episode, I share a few theories about why men are attracted to younger women and some things to be mindful of if you’re dating between generations. Click here   to listen. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website  here . Want to join my mailing list, download a Dating Handbook and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join  here .

Setting Your Dating Profile Up For Success

Many men are making mistakes with their online dating profiles. Whether you are using Tinder, Bumble, Hinge or something else, in this video, I share with you 3 things you should avoid doing and 3 things you should be doing to increase your chances of finding a quality match and feeling more successful in the world of online dating. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please book a complimentary conversation  here . You can also find out more information on her website  here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile”  here .

Man Talks & The Shadow Self

We all have parts of ourselves, personalities and behaviour that we hide from the world. Especially “nice men.” We can work hard to suppress these sides, often ignoring the negative impact of doing so. It’s important to face our shadow self and own all of our being in order to be truly seen. If you want to succeed in your relationships, you have to open up and connect with who you really are. Join Connor and I talk about shadow self, including his upcoming book, Men’s Work, out next year. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Connor Beaton is the founder of ManTalks, an international organization focused on men’s health, wellness, success and fulfillment. Connor is also an international speaker, host of a top-ranked podcast and works 1-1 with men who are looking to deepen their purpose, radically improve their intimate relationships, and regain confidence. Since founding ManTalks, Connor has spoken on stage at TEDx, with Lewis Howes, Gary Vaynerchuk, Danielle LaPorte, taken ManTalks t

Fatherhood, Divorce & Dealing with ADHD

Join Ben and me talk about dealing with an ADHD diagnosis, life after divorce and why we behave the way we do. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Ben Redmond is a coach, therapist, and men’s work leader who used to be a public school teacher. While his coaching practice focuses on guiding parents of children with difficult behaviours, much of his experience is working with kids and adults diagnosed with ADHD, ODD, born polydrug addicted, PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Ben has ADHD, is divorced, and peacefully co-parents his two girls with his ex-wife. Ben’s passion is in guiding people through healing, loss, and transition into connection with themselves, their families, community, and the life they desire. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please book a complimentary conversation  here . You can also find out more information on her website  here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Datin