
Showing posts from November, 2022

The Biggest Issues with Dating Today

  If you’re dating, you might want to get familiar with some of the issues that are challenging daters in 2022. Which might you be guilty of believing or doing? Today I share six issues that all daters are dealing with. How will you work through these challenges so you can find the person that’s right for you? Click here to listen to the podcast. If you’re interested in learning more about Kimberly and working with her, please head over to her website here . Want to join my mailing list? Download The Dating Handbook For Men and receive monthly updates, freebies and new offers? Join here . Ready to start working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

Dating Tips When You’re A Overweight Man

  For some people, dating seems to be easy. Everything falls into place, they have great dates, and within weeks, they find someone they fall madly in love with. They move in, get married and have two beautiful children. All the while, you’re still doubting yourself, struggling to set up an online profile and feeling like a lost cause. Oh, and those people in that fantasy were both skinny. But for those of us that carry extra weight, we might feel undeserving of love. And we’re certainly no strangers to fat shaming. And if you’ve tried dating and failed, you may have reached a point of obliterated self-esteem because you think the only way to find true love is to suffer through diet and exercise. However, there is someone out there for all of us. And to find that special someone, we must first break through some of the limiting beliefs that are holding us back. Those beliefs are: Women won’t date overweight men. Women care only about looks and money. Firstly, let me point out that both

7 Reasons Why You Struggle with Dating in Your 40’s

  Dating can be one of the most frustrating and challenging aspects of your forties. If you haven’t dated in years, you’re walking into an entirely new world of online dating, catfishing, ghosting, and love bombing amongst other challenging aspects of the dating scene. If you are struggling to find a special someone or you simply need some fresh perspective, here are seven reasons why you might find dating challenging and what you can do about it. 1. You haven’t taken the time to heal from your breakup or divorce. One reason why many of us struggle with dating is simply that we aren’t ready to be on the dating market again. It takes time to heal from a meaningful relationship and your healing process shouldn’t be taken lightly. If you haven’t officially separated from your partner, you’re still living together (even in separate rooms) or your divorce isn’t final, consider holding off on dating. During your split, focus on rebuilding your friendships and re-starting some of your old ho

Dating With Confidence This Holiday Season

  “It’s the most wonderful time of the year. ” – Said the couples in love. But some of u don’t love the holiday season because it can remind us of what we don’t have. That special someone. However, time and time again the holiday season has been one of the best times of the year to date! Plenty is happening in major cities and towns and it creates a romantic environment to get out and meet someone special. In today’s show, I share a few ways you can boost your dating confidence and enjoy the season.  Click here to listen to the podcast. Join me in The Club here . Ready to learn more about working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here . Limited spots are available.

Dating Advice & Coaching For High Value Men

  "JOIN ME AND YOU'LL WALK AWAY WITH DATING ADVICE THAT ACTUALLY GETS YOU DATES!" (And Makes You A Jedi In Relationships!) Sure, you can try the 'trial and error' approach to dating, or you can hear advice straight from an expert and have it converted to REAL dates with QUALITY women. Click here to get instant access for a less than a coffee a day . With Results Like These I couldn't get a second date before working with you and now everyone is asking for one! Not only do I feel more confident dating, no more “friend zone” or nice guy comments! I met someone and we connected in a good way! We’ve been getting together 3-4 times a week.” Dating kinda sucks. Especially if you’re new to navigating online dating, or dating after the end of a long-term relationship (maybe even divorce). And if you’re like most men I work with, you’re probably a bit burnt out from it all, disappointed with what’s coming your way and frustrated with how the dating algorithm works. .

Should I Date During The Holidays?

  Dating during the holidays can bring up a whole host of anxiety-provoking thoughts that summer dating may not. Should I invite my date to the family dinner? Do we need to have the talk? How serious is this getting? How much should I spend on a Christmas gift for my date? All thoughts that might go through your head if you start dating someone new during the holiday season. In today’s episode, I share with you six things you may want to consider if you’re dating during the holidays. And yes, it can be an amazing time to get to know someone; just make sure you’ve considered these six things first! Click here to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit her here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile” here . Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

Love is Blind – Is It Real or Fake?

  While Love is Blind is a reality show crafted for our entertainment, it asks an important question: Is Love Blind ? Can I fall in love without ever seeing the person? In today’s podcast, I share my thoughts on the show and provide you with a few things to consider for yourself. Click here to listen to the podcast. Get Access to The Club at 50% OFF (code: DATE50) and learn how to OVERCOME Nice Guy Syndrome and start getting results with women. I’m going to be sending you 12 texts and sharing 12 essential pieces of information you need to know to overcome getting friendzoned and struggling to get past your first date. If you want to change the results you’ve been having, you won’t want to miss this month’s content. Join My Club and receive 50% off using code DATE50 – Sign up here . Ready to start working with Kimberly? Book a free consultation here .

Tips to Survive The Holidays If You’re Single

  Single over the holidays? Men worry more about being single than women do over the holidays. You’re also less likely to reach out for support when you are feeling alone, so today, I share with you some thoughtful ideas that will keep you feeling good and on track as you navigate the festive season alone. Who knows, you might totally enjoy yourself! Click here to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit her here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile” here . Grab a free copy of The Dating Handbook For Men here . Please consider sharing this episode and leaving a review if you enjoyed the content. Thank you!

5 Dating Tips For The Holiday Season

  Simple reminders to keep in mind while you date over the holidays The holiday season can be an exciting and overwhelming time. And if you’re dating, sometimes it can get a little confusing knowing what you should or shouldn’t do. If you are worried you might take a misstep while dating during the holidays, here are a few guidelines to support your holiday dating: Don’t feel pressured to include them in your family plans. Inviting a date to meet your family is something you should do when you’re ready for it, not because the holidays create an added layer of pressure. Invite them in you are ready to take the next step and have been wanting to introduce them to your family for a while. Don’t go overboard on gifts. Have you ever heard of the term love-bombing? It’s an attempt to influence a person by going over-board with attention, affection and gifts. Make sure you and the individual you’re dating establish if gifts are appropriate. It’s always nice to start with something small and