
Showing posts from October, 2021

What is Trauma Bonding?

Trauma bonding or traumatic bonding is when you are unable to leave a relationship even when your partner is treating you poorly. Here are some signs that you may be in a trauma bond: Your partner is critical of you, but you move towards the tiny bits of affection they give you despite this. You are stuck in a pattern of highs and lows You can’t think of  positive reasons to stay in the relationship   (but you do anyway) You don’t know how to find the strength to leave You don’t have a sense of self in the relationship You don’t have autonomy or agency in the relationship An individual is able to break the cycle of a trauma bond by being radically honest with themselves and setting firm boundaries. Unfortunately, this is difficult to do alone. If you have found yourself in a relationship that is based on trauma, it’s important to be persistent in your desire to end the relationship and work on yourself. Seeking a  coach or therapist  t o help you is important to break the cycle and sup

Dating Tips for Introverted Men

If you or someone you know is a little bit introverted, or maybe even shy,  dating   can feel more frustrating for you than it does for your extroverted best friend. That’s why in this week’s episode I want to share with you five valuable tips for dating if you are introverted, and what you can do to make your experience smoother, more satisfying, and bursting with confidence. Click here   to listen to Podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit  here .

Tip That Could Significantly Reduce Relationship Conflict

  If you’ve ever wondered why your disagreements escalate into full-blown arguments, you might be making this one mistake. Have a watch of this week’s video and see how implementing this one tip might help your relationship conflict. FREE GUIDE   date With Confidence! To Apply for PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS  sign up here. Click Here   to listen The Self-Confidence Project PODCAST.

What Men Are Needing Today

  Traver Boehm knows men. How they think, what’s behind their behavior, and most importantly — their unique challenges in the modern landscape. Traver is the founder of the UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest-growing men’s movement in the world. He is the author of Today I Rise, and Man UNcivilized as well as a two-time TEDx speaker, men’s coach and podcaster. Drawing upon an eclectic background ranging from professional bodyguarding and Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and meditation, Traver counsels men, women, and couples on how to better understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties. Although he’s not quite sure how to feel about the title, he has been dubbed, “The Man Whisperer” as he has the unique ability to speak to men in a way they can hear and understand. In 2016 after losing a pregnancy, his marriage, and his business partnership all within weeks of each other, he created a radical year-long social experiment to answ

Dating & Relationship Green Flags

  In relationships, it’s important to know what behaviours we absolutely won’t tolerate, and that’s why many of us get clear on our red flags. But hey, if you’ve found yourself  dating or in a new relationship  a nd you’re wondering if this could be “the one,” check out these 10 green flags that you’ve found somebody special. 10 Relationship Green Flags: They support your personal growth They listen to you with patience and curiosity They respect your boundaries and have their own You are being included in their personal life, including meeting friends and family You feel safe to express yourself openly and without judgment Even if you have small disagreements, they don’t threaten your relationship They view you as an equal and include you in decision making They go out of their way to make you smile or laugh You feel comfortable being your true self around them You don’t get the feeling you’re competing for their time How many can you check off the list? If you’re not seeing these sig

4 Tips For Post-Divorce Dating

  How to date successfully after marriage, especially if it’s been a while Divorce is known to be one of the most stressful events in someone’s life. And one can understand why. The event itself is an emotional whirlwind, not to mention financially stressful. If kids are involved, it’s just plain complicated. But the start of the  divorce   is not where the stress starts. On average, an individual spends two years thinking about divorce before taking action on it And when we are checking out of a relationship, it’s not usually a joyful time. The whole process can make you re-think everything you know about love and relationships. But it doesn’t mean that a healthy relationship is not in the cards for you. It is, and it can be. If you’re ready to meet someone new, here are some important areas to consider before you sign up for  dating on Tinder ,  eHarmony or hit the streets in search of a new beau. Get support and do the inner work to heal from your divorce The healing process will lo

How To Set Your Dating Profile Up For Success

  Many men are making mistakes with their online dating profiles. Whether you are using Tinder, Bumble, Hinge or something else, in this video, I share with you 3 things you should avoid doing and 3 things you should be doing to increase your chances of finding a quality match and feeling more successful in the world of online dating. FREE GUIDE   date With Confidence! To Apply for PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS  sign up here. Click Here   to listen to The Self- Confidence Project PODCAST.

What Men Are Needing Today

  Traver Boehm knows men. How they think, what’s behind their behavior, and most importantly — their unique challenges in the modern landscape. Traver is the founder of the UNcivilized Men’s Movement, the fastest-growing men’s movement in the world. He is the author of Today I Rise, and Man UNcivilized as well as a two-time TEDx speaker, men’s coach and podcaster. Drawing upon an eclectic background ranging from professional bodyguarding and Mixed Martial Arts to a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and meditation, Traver counsels men, women, and couples on how to better understand men’s mental health and relationship difficulties. Although he’s not quite sure how to feel about the title, he has been dubbed, “The Man Whisperer” as he has the unique ability to speak to men in a way they can hear and understand. In 2016 after losing a pregnancy, his marriage, and his business partnership all within weeks of each other, he created a radical year-long social experiment to answ

Four Red Flags When Dating Women

  Many of us are aware of the common red flags when dating. Things like lying, talking about their ex too much or is behaving inconsistently (saying one thing, and doing another), but in today’s video, I share with you four red flags that might not be as obvious. FREE GUIDE date With Confidence! To Apply for PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS sign up here. Click Here to listen The Self- Confidence Project PODCAST.