
Showing posts from December, 2021

Am I Empathetic or Co-Dependent?

  First, let’s first look at co-dependency. Co-Dependency Codependency is defined as “a behavioral condition in a relationship where one person  enables another person’s  addiction, poor mental health, immaturity, irresponsibility, or under-achievement.” The co-dependent is obsessed with making things right. They lose themselves in this process, and they lack personal boundaries, which are essential for their overall wellbeing. As a co-dependent, the individual values the approval of others  more than they value themselves. This often results in  lower self-esteem. Co-dependency is not healthy, and studies show that close to 90% of the American population demonstrates some areas of co-dependency. “   Low self-esteem is like driving through life with your hand-brake on . Maxwell Maltz If the individual you’re in a relationship with does not want to help themselves, despite the words they say,  you have to learn to walk away before you destroy your entire life  for someone who doesn’t ev

Dating Tips For The Holiday Season

  Simple reminders to keep in mind while you date over the holidays The holiday season can be an exciting and overwhelming time. And if you’re dating, sometimes it can get a little confusing knowing what you should or shouldn’t do. If you are worried you might take a misstep while  dating during the holidays ,  here are a few guidelines to support your holiday dating: Don’t feel pressured to include them in your family plans.  Inviting a date to meet your family is something you should do when you’re ready for it, not because the holidays create an added layer of pressure. Invite them in you are ready to take the next step and have been wanting to introduce them to your family for a while. Don’t go overboard on gifts.  Have you ever heard of the term love-bombing? It’s an attempt to influence a person by going overboard with attention, affection, and gifts. Make sure you and the individual you’re dating establish if gifts are appropriate. It’s always nice to start with something small

Crafting Conscious Relationships

  How do you take care of yourself and all your parts? We don’t just navigate this world with one personality, but multiple personalities that appear in different situations. Take your relationships for example. Have you ever seen a nasty side of you come out during conflict? One that you don’t even recognize? Today I speak with a friend and coach, Chris Wilson about crafting conscious relationships and what it means to be self-led in a relationship. We even chat about the magical kitchen metaphor and the embodiment of multiplicity of self vs. the myth of the monolithic personality. Click here   to listen to the podcast. It’s an episode that dives deep into how we can care for ourselves and stop looking at our partners as the person who will fix us or save us. That is something you can do for yourself, with deep love and compassion. Chris Wilson is a student and teacher of deep somatic healing and connection work. He spends most of his time holding space with men practicing, learning,

Master Your Online Dating Profile

  The 5 Tips YOU NEED TO KNOW for a successful ONLINE dating profile What We Will Cover In The FREE Class… The 5 Proven Tips You  NEED TO KNOW  To Have A Successful Online Dating ProfileI’ve Never Shared These 5 Steps Outside Of My Private Client Sessions Until Now Avoid These 4 Common Profile Pitfalls That Are Damaging Your Chances of Quality MatchesDo not make these amateur mistakes in your online profile that get you overlooked. Master  My 3-Part Formula  For Effective Conversation Starters (Examples Inside!)Feel confident starting conversations and knowing what to say. No need to sweat the intro anymore! Understand The Characteristics of Photos That Get The Most Swipes and MatchesGive yourself a boost with carefully selected images without having to be a supermodel. Expertly Craft Your Profile Bio Using My  Proven 3-Step Formula So you start attracting the right types of matches and stop attracting the wrong ones! Master   The MUST KNOW Dating Boundaries So You Have the Best Experi

Understanding Trauma And Its Impact on Relationships

  We’ve only started to scratch the surface of understanding how trauma impacts our bodies and our intimate relationships. From small to large traumas they shape who we are and how we interact with the world. So today, I had the immense pleasure of chatting with a friend and trauma-informed coach about her story, emotional trauma, the fight-flight-fawn-freeze responses, and how it shows up in our relationships. We even talked about healthy anger expression. Click here   to listen to the podcast. Lea Morrison is a trauma-informed coach, healer, and stress management teacher who incorporates a bottom-up approach to trauma care through nervous system regulation, vibrational healing, conscious awareness, and meditation. After climbing out of a lifetime of trauma herself, she has dedicated her career to helping others remember who they are underneath all of the stories of pain, shame, and grief. Empowering each client back home to the greatness of who they really are. If you’re interested i

Dates Ideas Women Love

  Coming up with dating ideas can sometimes feel exhausting and expensive. That’s why in this video I give you five different, low-cost date ideas to do with the woman you’re courting, or for the woman that’s already your Queen. I have ideas for the adventurous woman, the culinary woman, the romantic woman, the businesswoman, and the nerdy woman. Which one do you love the best? Get Your Free   Handbook To Dating Women With Confidence To Apply PRIVATE COACHING SESSIONS sign up  here . Click here   to listen to The Self- Confidence Project PODCASTS

Expressing Your Emotions and Breathwork

  Do you need a way to truly connect to yourself and your emotions? Breathwork is a phenomenal way to slow yourself down and truly get in touch with your internal world. Today I have the immense pleasure of bringing on Chris Marhefka to talk about his work in supporting and coaching individuals with their breath and bodies. Chris Marhefka facilitates transformation by opening hearts, expanding minds, & giving people permission to be their most authentic selves. Chris creates life-changing experiences in emotional healing, inner-child work, somatic experiencing, breathwork, masculine embodiment, relationship and communication coaching, men’s development, and leadership mentoring. Today we talk about how Chris got into this field of work, how important breathwork is, what men are facing today with emotional expression, or an explosion of emotions, and we even do a live exercise which you can join from the comfort of your house! Click here   to listen to the podcast. For more informat

'Snow-Globing' is the New Holiday Dating Trend

  It’s a pump and dump holiday strategy. You may have been dating someone for a few weeks, and then all of a sudden December is here. Queue the Christmas parties, fun city events, skiing and Christmas lights to look at. It’s a wonderful time to be cuddled up with someone special. So you decide to keep that somebody around just so you have a convenient plus one. It’s called Snow Globing. As quoted by Cosmopolitan magazine “snow-globing means the person you’ve been dating is using the holiday season to con you into thinking you two are more serious than you are.” This means you keep your date around during the holidays, but you know very well that you don’t have any intention of taking things further. As soon as the NYE’s part ball drops, you plan to boot them out of your life. What gives? Many of us feel the compounding effects of loneliness during the holidays. We want to have someone to take to parties and to enjoy the festivities of the season. And men in particular fear being single

Tips to Survive The Holidays

  Single over the holidays? Men worry more about being single than women do over the holidays. You’re also less likely to reach out for support when you are feeling alone, so today, I share with you some thoughtful ideas that will keep you feeling good and on track as you navigate the festive season alone. Who knows, you might totally enjoy yourself! Click here   to listen to the podcast. For more information on Kimberly, and to book a complimentary conversation please visit her  here . Need help setting up your online dating profile? Join my FREE class “Master Your Online Dating Profile”  here . Grab a free copy of The Dating Handbook For Men  here .